Does your healthcare facility suffer from poor ventilation?
Are you concerned your air is contributing to ill-health?
Do you feel its difficult to fluently discuss issues of IPC with your estates team?
If so, we can help
Evergen Air destroys 99.5% of all particulate matter. FACT.
Evergen Air never uses HEPA filters. Instead, electrostatic precipitators destroy particulate matter down to as small as PM1/ 0.1μm.
COVID-19 airborne particles are killed by Evergen Air. Evergen Air technology is proven to protect staff and patients from infection.
Air contamination is as bad today as ever. Low indoor air quality (IAQ) and subsequent infection rates from respiratory disease together with healthcare associated infections (HAIs) means medical institutions often suffer the highest rates of air contaminants, including MRSA, Norovirus and SARS-CoV-2.
Infection can spread easily once airborne. Respiratory infections such as COVID-19 can be transmitted through respiratory droplets when a person is in close contact with someone who has respiratory symptoms (eg: coughing and sneezing). In addition, airborne transmission of infection can occur during aerosol generating procedures (AGP’s).
..what’s in your air?
To reduce the risk of particle transmission, it is necessary to improve IAQ and increase dispersion by creating more airflow in the room. In a medical setting this may mean full air rotations of up to 26 air changes per hour, (ACH) which can be challenging.
Now, Evergen Air brings IAQ solutions for ultimate air decontamination. Accredited to ISO 16890 and certified by leading global institutions and laboratories, such as BSRIA, the ILH in Berlin, CETIAT, IRAM and the NPL, healthcare providers can rest assured that Evergen Air can both reduce infection and prevent the spread of disease with proven hospital grade technology.
PM1 - Particulate matter: Some of the common viruses disinfected by Evergen Air
Typically, contaminant AGP and viruses, mould and bacteria particles fall between 0.1 – 1µm in size with an average of 0.126µm. Unlike other providers Evergen Air never uses HEPA filters to trap these particles, as the contaminants can still escape or regrow. Instead, Evergen Air uses electrostatic precipitators which destroys particulate matter down to as small as PM1/ 0.1µm.
Importantly, Evergen Air technology is effective in mitigating COVID-19 particles and is a vital component in reducing the spread of this disease. Protecting staff and patients from contaminated infected air is vital.
Protecting the workplace and those within it relies on optimum indoor air
Would you like us to risk profile the ventilation in your trust?
For any working environment protecting staff from contaminant exposure is vital. Having staff away on sick leave means more pressure on both existing manpower and financial resource. In large healthcare settings we also recognise the challenge of cross-functional working. It can be difficult to engage different teams, Occupational Health and Estates teams for instance. At Evergen Air our team of experts actively facilitate the necessary conversations to ensure that there is complete clarity and that the various stakeholders are fully on-board and engaged. We are able to do this as we have rare skill-sets in our teams that cover engineering, building regulations, infection prevention and control as well as air ventilation and solution mapping. We speak all languages, and bring a holistic point of view, removing unnecessary complexity in the process. We ask the right questions to ensure we get straight to the heart of the issue.
Using state-of-the-art matterport spatial technology, we review, monitor and assess your air as part of a complimentary audit to all healthcare facilities.