While the Coronavirus pandemic continues, so many workers are having to return to their workplace.
As employers look to improve the cleaning and personal hygiene standards of their environment, many are not considering the indoor air quality levels.
Whether you’re currently welcoming staff members back to their office or shared workspace or, are hoping to do so in the near future, improving indoor air quality is vital.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) have found evidence to suggest COVID-19 and the additional variants being formed, spread through air particles rather than across hard surfaces.
One of the biggest challenges to improving indoor air quality of any workplace environment, is eliminating the viruses.
Workplace air quality
Not only is workplace air quality compromised by the increased risk of transmitting Coronavirus; many employees with a string of allergies could be effected.
It has been known, in environments with extremely high levels of air pollution, for individuals to develop asthma and other problems with their overall health.
The Times newspaper reported earlier this year that the Government are proposing newer offices, commercial properties and other buildings should install improved ventilation systems.
Not only should they be installed, but they should provide fresh, clean air at a 50% higher rate than existing systems used throughout the UK. The Government are hoping to not only address the risk of poor indoor air quality, but to protect against any future virus outbreaks.
We also understand that improved air quality can contribute towards increased productivity across the workforce.
Safety measures
While workplaces continue to provide hand sanitising stations and wipes to regularly clean hands and surfaces, it is important to remember viruses can be transmitted via airborne particles.
Wearing a face covering can protect against transmission, so long as the coverings remain clean. Regularly washing or providing fresh masks or shields can ensure safety isn’t compromised. The Government have suggested 1 in 3-people who have Coronavirus, don’t have any symptoms and so can spread the virus without realising it.
Some workplace environments are able to keep to schedules which limit the amount of people within the office at one time, to ensure there is more clean, breathable air. It is also suggested to keep windows or doors open, to increase indoor ventilation. However; many places are unaware of the increase in air pollution levels this can cause.
Purifying the air
Despite the best efforts of employers, it can be virtually impossible to monitor air quality levels within the office. So, how can they be sure the air is 100% clean?
Using technology such as PureAire’s, air quality levels can be monitored before any further action is taken. Our team of experts can produce a report documenting the air levels, where levels should be improved and how.
State-of-the-art air purification systems – such as the ones available from PureAire – are effective due to the design and build of the device. For example; PureAire solutions aren’t built with a filter like many other systems. Our technology will capture and destroy harmful airborne particles, totally removing them from your environment; whereas other solutions will only capture the particles for a certain amount of time.
PureAire solutions have the only UK air purifier which has been tested in a lab environment by ISO 16890 – a worldwide accreditation – down to 0.1-microns. This means, as much as 99.5% of harmful airborne pollutants are effectively destroyed.
Every year UK companies lose as much as £600-million to poor air, through 3-million employee sick days caused by poor air quality. With PureAire, you can cut this cost and put more money back in your pocket.
Get in touch with our experts to arrange a demonstration.