Ongoing air purification trial at NHS Hull to confirm reduction of COVID transmission in hospitals

Ongoing air purification trial at NHS Hull to confirm reduction of COVID transmission in hospitals Ongoing air purification trial at NHS Hull to confirm reduction of COVID transmission in hospitals First-of-its-kind trial at NHS Hull seeks to confirm COVID transmission reduction through air filtration tech NHS Hull is spearheading the use of ESP filtration technology […]
10-years of Evergen Systems

Clean technology company, Evergen Systems – and PureAire’s parent company – are this month celebrating their 10th anniversary.
What does the latest lift in lockdown restrictions mean for indoor air quality?

“People must continue to play their part in stopping Coronavirus,” says Boris Johnson, as lockdown restrictions ease. Indoor environments can now open again
The post-COVID revolution

Big improvements within buildings have been called for, by the worlds leading experts in diseases and air hygiene. According to the experts, current rules surrounding ventilation are failing to stop infections spreading; including COVID-19.
Cleaning the air is the key to our future

The British Medical Journal recently reported the risk of transmitting Coronavirus through contaminated surfaces is minimal. As the awful bacteria is now understood to be an airborne virus, the BMJ say the key to our future is to reduce potential transmission rates.
Air pollution and mental health: what research says

As the conversation surrounding air pollution continues to grow, research has now discovered the worrying effect levels can have on the mental health of our children.
How to improve air quality within your workplace

Although air quality (both indoor and outdoor) has always been an important subject; it wasn’t until the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020 that people began paying attention.
PureAire technology: medical-grade air purification

Although air quality (both indoor and outdoor) has always been an important subject; it wasn’t until the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020 that people began paying attention.
Maintaining indoor air quality in hospitals

Originally published at the Business of Bio & HealthSciences Biospectrum by Sukhbir Sidhu, Founder & CEO Evergen Systems Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)